How To Learn English As A Second Language
According to the Washington Post, there are more than 7,000 recognised languages spoken around the world. But the bulk of speech and writing in the world is composed of around 12 languages, including English. Despite the fact that several Chinese dialects and Mandarin are more generally spoken than English, it is still one of the most extensively spoken languages, and a sizable portion of people use English as a second language.
At any age, learning a new language may be challenging, but studying English in particular can be challenging. This directory is meant to make it easier for you to locate resources for yourself or a friend who wants to learn English.
Why English Is One Of The Most Studied Languages
Why is English currently so widely used? It has gained popularity for a variety of reasons, I suppose. Many former British Empire territories, as well as a number of other nations, have adopted English as their primary or official language.
Many hints as to why the English language is so well-liked may be found in the growth of the British Empire! The emergence of the United States and advancements in the scientific and technology sectors have also aided in positioning English as a worldwide language, in addition to the British Empire’s significance in English’s current popularity.
Tips On Learning English As A Second Language
Learning English is practically required these days because it is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and the language of commerce, education, and entertainment. Even though it’s sometimes regarded as one of the hardest languages to learn, anyone can achieve it with the appropriate mindset, dedication, and this advice!
Take Lessons With An Expert
Many people who are looking to improve their English skills will be doing so in order to migrate to an English speaking nation.
Thai could be for work, family or for many other reasons. However, often there will be English Language tests that need to be passed in order for you to have a visa application accepted.
Often, this will be The International English Language Testing System (IELTS). A test that is notoriously difficult to pass.
We would recommend that you speak with an IELTS expert and look at taking lessons with a qualified IELTS tutor in order to make sure your English knowledge is strong enough to pass the test without having to pay for multiple attempts.
Widen Your English Vocabulary
This advice is well-known for a reason—it is effective! We frequently find a new word or phrase so enjoyable while learning it that forgetting it seems impossible. However, rest assured that not everything sticks the first time. Develop the habit of always having a quirky notepad with you or use a programme like Evernote to combat this. Write down new words or phrases you come across in sentences with their meanings indicated whenever you hear or read them. This saves you time since you won’t have to look up that phrase or statement again and wonder what it means.
Read! Read! Read!
If it’s in English, read it: classic literature, paperbacks, newspapers, websites, emails, your social media feed, cereal boxes. Why? This information will contain a good amount of new terminology as well as some words you probably already know. Re-exposing yourself to previously taught vocabulary provides you fresh examples in context, which helps you learn new terms more rapidly. However, expanding your vocabulary requires learning new words and expressions, especially in a language like English where there are a lot of them. Don’t just read and continue, though; you also need to…
Listen To English Podcasts
Evidently, your listening abilities improve the more languages you listen to. English is no different.
You may learn how native speakers truly use language, how sentences are put together, how English speakers utilise linked speech, and how different tones are used to communicate various word meanings, by listening to more native English speakers.
Additionally, via acquisition, your grammar and vocabulary will advance.
Highlight any difficult-to-pronounce terms in the audio text, record yourself pronouncing them, and compare your pronunciation to the native speaker’s. The majority of English language learners don’t make the effort to accomplish this, and those who do may be distinguished from those who aren’t fairly easily.
Speak In English With Other People When You Can
If not to communicate, what use does language serve? Yes, due to Whatsapp, people have mastered the art of speaking without opening their mouths. But when it counts, speaking a language really makes it far easier for you to remember it than just reading or writing it. Consider how frequently you’ve heard someone claim that they “understand, but can’t speak English.”
Many would-be English speakers have made speaking into a gigantic obstacle that they cannot overcome, which only serves to frighten them. Don’t act that way. Find native speakers for a casual language exchange, sign up for a course, or take online courses.